Wall Street Journal сообщает, что в середине октябре Мюллер выписал официальные ордера на документы от участников избирательной кампании Трампа.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team in mid-October issued a subpoena to President Donald Trump’s campaign requesting Russia-related documents from more than a dozen top officials, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The subpoena, which requested documents and emails from the listed campaign officials that reference a set of Russia-related keywords, marked Mr. Mueller’s first official order for information from the campaign, according to the person. The subpoena didn’t compel any officials to testify before Mr. Mueller’s grand jury, the person said.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/special-counsel-mueller-issued-subpoena-for-russia-related-documents-from-trump-campaign-officials-1510875492 Один из этих участников, Джаред Кушнер, предоставил до этого документы, в частности свою переписку, в Конгресс, но, как выясняется, утаил некоторые детали.
For example, other parties have produced September 2016 email communications to Mr. Kushner concerning WikiLeaks, which Mr. Kushner then forwarded to another campaign official. Such documents should have been produced in response to the third request but were not. Likewise, other parties have produced documents concerning a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” which Mr. Kushner also forwarded. And still others have produced communications with Sergei Millian, copied to Mr. Kushner.
https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?id=5854ADDE-0006-4427-B740-3689C62CE838 Нам предстоит когда-нибудь узнать, о чем было письмо под заголовком “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” и о чем была переписка с
Сергеем Миллианом, который предположительно фигурирует в досье Стила как "Source E".
Speaking in confidence to a compatriot in late July 2016, Source E, an ethnic Russian close associate of Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump, admitted that there was a well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between them and the Russian leadership. This was managed on the TRUMP side by the Republican candidate’s campaign manager, Paul MANAFORT, who was using foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE, and others as intermediaries.
пишет Люк Хардинг, Стил советует присмотреться к сделкам Трампа по строительству отелей и того, откуда и куда шли деньги.
The longtime British intelligence officer who last year wrote the collection of memos alleging deep ties between President Donald Trump and the Kremlin told a reporter in December that investigators examining such connections needed "to look at the contracts for the hotel deals and land deals" that Trump had pursued with Russian nationals.
"Check their values against the money Trump secured via loans," the former intelligence officer, Christopher Steele, told The Guardian's Luke Harding. "The difference is what's important."
http://www.businessinsider.com/christopher-steele-trump-hotel-land-deals-russia-dossier-2017-11 Расследование Reuters относительно Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower, самого высокого здания в Панаме и первой международной сделки Трампа, выявило мошенничество в крупных масштабах, с явным участием подозрительных персонажей из российской организованной преступности.
“Russians like their brand names,” Altshoul told Reuters, explaining why investors were attracted to Trump. “The moment was right, they were speculating. Many people hoped to get profits.”
Altshoul, who holds Canadian citizenship, was listed on the Homes company website in 2007 as a “partner” and an “owner” of the firm. He became involved in Homes after moving to Panama from Toronto and investing with family and friends in the Trump project, paying deposits on 10 apartments and one hotel unit.
Among his partners in that investment, according to Altshoul and Panamanian corporate records, was a Muscovite named Arkady Vodovosov, a relative of Altshoul. In 1998, Vodovosov was sentenced to five years in prison in Israel for kidnap and threats to kill and torture, court records state. <...>
Altshoul attended the Mar-a-Lago party with another Homes partner, Stanislau Kavalenka, recalled people who were there. Kavalenka was also a Canadian émigré from the former Soviet Union. <...>
In 2004, Canadian prosecutors had accused Kavalenka of pimping and kidnapping Russian prostitutes.
https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-panama/ Путин наградил именными часами авторитетного бизнесмена Сергея Михайлова (Михась). На фото Михась и "солнцевские"
pic.twitter.com/Mkm13NvNDH- Записки сумасшедшего (@Pavel_XII)
September 19, 2014 Упомянутый Аркадий Водовозов - сподручный Сергея Михайлова по кличке "Михась", главы солнцевской ОПГ, которому он в свое время помог переехать в Израиль.
МИХАЙЛОВ въехал в Израиль как новый иммигрант, на основании своего фиктивного брака с еврейской женщиной, заключенного в июне 1993 г. в Будапеште, Венгрия. Несмотря на то, что он все еще был женат на МИХАЙЛОВОЙ Людмиле (ЗАКУРДАЕВА), он зарегистрировал фиктивный брак благодаря ВОДОВОЗОВУ Аркадию (1), который был одним из знакомых МИХАЙЛОВА.
http://rucriminal.com/ru/material/640 На солнцевскую ОПГ,
как мы помним, завязан и
жульнический проект Trump International Hotel and Tower в Торонто, ныне переименованный в Adelaide Hotel.
Сделка про отель в Панаме состоялась в 2007. В мае 2007 на Трампа стал работать Майкл Коэн, также
замешанный с российскими ОПГ. Эта связь вряд ли случайна.