
Dec 08, 2017 18:45

Анализ сообщений прессы во время предвыборной кампании 2016, опубликованный Columbia Journalism Review, подтверждает то, о чем многие писали ранее - тема емайлов Клинтон в традиционных СМИ вроде New York Times забила собой все остальные темы, внеся вклад в искаженное восприятие избирателей.

Clinton-related email scandals-her use of a private email server while secretary of state, as well as the DNC and John Podesta hacks-accounted for more sentences than all of Trump’s scandals combined (65,000 vs. 40,000) and more than twice as many as were devoted to all of her policy positions.

Карма посмеялась над Мишей “ Lock her up” Флинном с его “if I did a tenth, a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today”. После того, как федеральный судья по его делу взял самоотвод, судьей для Флинна был назначен Эммет Салливан, в своё время номинированный Биллом Клинтоном.

В прошлом году судья Салливан внес свою лепту в скандал с емайлами Клинтон, председательствуя по делу о ее почтовом сервере, возбуждённом консервативной группой Judicial Watch.

In a brief ruling issued on Friday afternoon, the judge, Emmet G. Sullivan of Federal District Court in Washington, approved a motion by the conservative advocacy organization Judicial Watch to pursue its vigorous campaign to expose Mrs. Clinton’s use of the private server. In addition to requiring her testimony in writing, the judge allowed the group to depose a senior State Department aide who had warned two subordinates not to question her email practices.

Прозрачная цель Judicial Watch была добиться показаний Клинтон, чтобы попытаться поймать ее на вранье под присягой, а также просто продолжить шум про емайлы задолго после того, как ФБР закрыло расследование.

Judicial Watch’s strategy is simple: Carpet-bomb the federal courts with Freedom of Information Act lawsuits. A vast majority are dismissed. But Judicial Watch caught a break last year, when revelations about Mrs. Clinton’s private email server prompted two judges to reopen two of the group’s cases connected to her tenure as secretary of state.
The lawsuits have since led to the release of hundreds of Mrs. Clinton’s emails - which have, in turn, spurred dozens of news releases and fund-raising letters from Judicial Watch that hype the significance of these documents, while putting them in the least flattering light possible for Mrs. Clinton.
The group’s lawyers were given permission to depose several of her senior aides from her time at the State Department. What is more, Mrs. Clinton herself will have to answer 25 detailed questions about her use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Между тем разнообразные емайлы и текстовые сообщения продолжают всплывать в Рашагейте.

Из письма конгрессмена Каммингса стало известно о текстовом сообщении, которые Флинн послал своему партнеру по " плану Маршалла" непосредственно во время инаугурации. В сообщении говорилось, что дело на мази и что антироссийские санкции скоро будут разорваны.

According to the whistleblower, Alex Copson, the managing partner of ACU Strategic Partners-which funded Flynn’s trip to the Middle East in 2015-attended an event on Inauguration Day during which he claimed to have received a text message from Flynn saying the project was “good to go” and directing Copson to contact their business colleagues to “let them know to put things in place.” The text was reportedly sent while President Trump was delivering his Inaugural Address. According to the whistleblower, Copson also explained that General Flynn was making sure that sanctions would be “ripped up” as one of his first orders of business and that this would allow money to start flowing into the project.

Более подробной информации об этом эпизоде пока не ожидается, потому что Трей Гауди держит оборону.

It is astonishing to me that you, as the sitting Chairman of the Oversight Committee, are declining to meet with a whistleblower who has agreed to come forward-despite fear of retaliation-to speak directly with you about evidence relating to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and his plan to lift sanctions in order to work with Russia to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East.
Your letter seems to resort to desperate and baseless jurisdictional excuses to avoid conducting oversight in an apparent attempt to protect President Trump and his Administration.

По сообщению New York Times, Хоуп Хикс, которая нынче дает показания Мюллеру, встречалась после выборов с сотрудниками контрразведки ФБР, которые предупредили ее о попытках контакта по емайлу со стороны российских спецслужб.

After he took office, senior F.B.I. counterintelligence agents met with Ms. Hicks in the White House Situation Room at least twice, gave her the names of the Russians who had contacted her, and said that they were not who they claimed to be. The F.B.I. was concerned that the emails to Ms. Hicks may have been part of a Russian intelligence operation, and they urged Ms. Hicks to be cautious.
The meetings with Ms. Hicks, what the F.B.I. calls a “defensive briefing,” went beyond the standard security advice that senior White House officials routinely receive upon taking office. Defensive briefings are intended to warn government officials about specific concerns or risks. A lawyer for Ms. Hicks declined to comment.

Свидетельствуют ли многочисленные хаотичные попытки наладить контакты о том, что надежного канала связи с Трампом у российских спецслужб не было?

Емайлы от Роба Голстоуна, организатора встречи с Весельницкой 9 июня 2016, показывают, что он продолжал обсуждать эту встречу с трамповцами, а также советовал им завести страницу ВКонтакте.

An email from Goldstone to senior Trump aide Dan Scavino, now the White House director of social media, reveals a previously undisclosed topic that was discussed at the meeting. It encourages Scavino to get candidate Trump to create a page on the Russian social networking site VK, telling him that "Don and Paul" were on board with the idea -- a reference to then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump Jr.

От имени ВКонтакте с трамповцами связывался Константин Сидорков, который работает в должности директора по работе с партнерами.

The executive at Vkontakte, or VK, Russia’s equivalent to Facebook, emailed Donald Trump Jr. and social media director Dan Scavino in January and again in November of last year, offering to help promote Trump’s campaign to its nearly 100 million users, according to people familiar with the messages.
“It will be the top news in Russia,” Konstantin Sidorkov, who serves as VK’s director of partnership marketing, wrote on Nov. 5, 2016.

Нет свидетельств, чтобы официальная страница Трампа появилась на ВК. Между тем среди американских нацистов ВКонтакте - популярная платформа.

After a series of purges on Facebook and Twitter, white supremacists are seeking refuge on Russian social media.
The migration began as early as 2016, when groups like the United Aryan Front flocked to VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook. But it has amplified in recent months after the white-supremacist rallies in Charlottesville.

SeriouslyI, if you are an SEO specialist, educate me. Do a lot if US news sites use Yandex verification? And what would the purpose be? pic.twitter.com/ThszOmInBt
- Christo Grozev (@christogrozev) March 21, 2017

Говоря про ВКонтакте, можно вспомнить про другую известную российскую компанию, Яндекс. Маленькая загадка: зачем код для индексирования Яндексом был добавлен на сайте Breitbart в разгар избирательной кампании?

Between March 30th 17:54:12 & March 31st 00:27:23 the index meta tag for https://t.co/yOiT3cVkjw was added to https://t.co/9QzTp2omHx
- Patrick (@TrickFreee) April 7, 2017

Сегодня утром наделало шуму сообщение CNN об емайле, посланном лично Трампу и людям из его ближайшего окружения, в котором содержались коды к публикации Викиликс.

Информационная бомба оказалась обезврежена после того, как выяснилось, что источники сообщения перепутали даты.

Автор емайла значится в Амазоне, как автор книжки о том, как быть государственным контрактором, опубликованной за свой счет. Журналисты пока не смогли выйти с ним на связь и выяснить, зачем он посылал сообщение и откуда у него был личный емайл Трампа.

Michael J. Erickson’s career spans more than 30-years supporting U.S. & foreign governments: 20+ years U.S. Marine Corps & Honorable Retirement; several years as Program Management Support Contractor at Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR); then supporting Civil/Military Aviation programs worldwide. He was General Manager-International Marketing/Sales for a Japanese multi-national Manufacturer, where he successfully captured multi-million dollar contracts from Governments in USA, Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. He has 8-years leading an SBA-certified, Veteran-owned Small Business (VOSB), and captured numerous U.S. Government Contracts in CONUS as well as overseas. These included US Military Prime & Sub-Contract Vehicles. He won contracts with US Trade Development Agency (USTDA) & Japan International Cooperative Agency (JICA). He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aviation Management from Southern Illinois University (SIU).

Флинн, СМИ, Конгресс

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