Т.Моран: Каким образом Вы объясните связь между вашим Правительством и представителями кампании Трампа? Как Вы объясните это американцам?
В.Путин: Вы знаете, это всё придумано, всё это придумано людьми, которые находятся в оппозиции к Трампу, для того чтобы придать его работе нелегитимный характер. Для меня это даже странно, говорю Вам совершенно откровенно, это делается как будто без понимания того, что люди, которые это делают, наносят ущерб внутриполитическому состоянию страны, обескровливают возможности избранного главы государства.
http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/56378 В пользу
марионеточной гипотезы есть разные свидетельства: от истории,
уходящей в 1987, до
британского досье. Но самые яркие свидетельства - упорное нежелание Трампа не только говорить
что-либо негативное про Путина, но и поддерживать антипутинские меры своего собственного правительства.
Daily Beast обращает внимание на то, что при подписании ежегодного закона о финансировании Пентагона, Трамп втихомолку разместил комментарий, в котором оспаривает многие положения закона. Они касаются в частности разработке
мер по противодействию российской гибридной войне и "активным мероприятиям".
Among those provisions Trump cited as potentially violative of his authority is section 1239, which directs Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the military to “develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to counter threats by the Russian Federation.”
Subsection A of the requirement, to which Trump also specifically objected, directs the strategy to attribute and defend against “hybrid warfare operations short of traditional armed conflict against the United States and its allies and partners.” In particular, such a strategy should “identify and defend against” Russia’s “use of misinformation, disinformation and propaganda in social and traditional media” - something The Daily Beast, as well as the congressional Russia inquiries, have extensively documented.
https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-objects-to-defense-laws-anti-russia-provisions Подробная статья Washington Post описывает, на основе интервью с 50 работниками администрации президента, упорство, с которым Трамп уклоняется от обсуждения российского вмешательства в выборы и каких-либо ответных мер:
Хотя там делается предположение, что такая позиция связана просто с нарциссизмом Трампа, совокупные свидетельства рисуют печальную картину. Несколько примеров:
1. Сведения о действиях России исключаются из ежедневного брифинга разведки, чтобы не раздрожатъ президента.
U.S. officials declined to discuss whether the stream of recent intelligence on Russia has been shared with Trump. Current and former officials said that his daily intelligence update - known as the president’s daily brief, or PDB - is often structured to avoid upsetting him.
Russia-related intelligence that might draw Trump’s ire is in some cases included only in the written assessment and not raised orally, said a former senior intelligence official familiar with the matter. In other cases, Trump’s main briefer - a veteran CIA analyst - adjusts the order of his presentation and text, aiming to soften the impact.
“If you talk about Russia, meddling, interference - that takes the PDB off the rails,” said a second former senior U.S. intelligence official.
2. По поводу вмешательства в выборы, прошлого и будущего, не делается ничего.
His administration has moved to undo at least some of the sanctions the previous administration imposed on Russia for its election interference, exploring the return of two Russian compounds in the United States that President Barack Obama had seized - the measure that had most galled Moscow. Months later, when Congress moved to impose additional penalties on Moscow, Trump opposed the measures fiercely.
Trump has never convened a Cabinet-level meeting on Russian interference or what to do about it, administration officials said. Although the issue has been discussed at lower levels at the National Security Council, one former high-ranking Trump administration official said there is an unspoken understanding within the NSC that to raise the matter is to acknowledge its validity, which the president would see as an affront.
3. Решение о поставках оборонительного оружия Украине застопорилось на уровне президента.
The plan is backed by senior members of Trump’s Cabinet, including Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who voiced support for arming Ukrainian forces in meetings with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in August. Mattis “believes that you should help people who are fighting our potential adversaries,” said a senior U.S. official involved in the deliberations.
A decision to send arms has to be made by the president, and officials said Trump has been reluctant even to engage.
“Every conversation I’ve had with people on this subject has been logical,” the senior U.S. official said. “But there’s no logical conclusion to the process, and that tells me the bottleneck is in the White House.”
Интересные сведения про других персонажей, похоже что от их недругов в Белом доме.
Про Стива Бэннона рассказывается, как он с первых дней работал над тем, как подорвать НАТО.
The president’s chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, moved to undermine support for NATO within weeks of arriving at the White House. After securing a position on the NSC, Bannon ordered officials to compile a table of arrears - alleged deficits on defense spending by every NATO member going back 67 years. Officials protested that such a calculation was impractical, and they persuaded Bannon to accept a partial list documenting underspending dating from 2007.
Bannon and McMaster clashed in front of Trump during an Oval Office discussion about NATO in the spring, officials said. Trump, sitting behind his desk, was voicing frustration that NATO member states were not meeting their defense spending obligations under the treaty. Bannon went further, describing Europe as “nothing more than a glorified protectorate.”
McMaster, an ardent supporter of NATO, snapped at Bannon. “Why are you such an apologist for Russia?” he asked, according to two officials with knowledge of the exchange. Bannon shot back that his position had “nothing to do with Russians” and later told colleagues how much he relished such confrontations with McMaster, saying, “I love living rent-free in his head.”
Интересно, что Бэннон - единственный из приближенных Трампа, кто до сих пор не обзавелся адвокатом для Рашагейта, при том, что он является свидетелем или участником многих разговоров, имеющих отношение к делу.
Линдси Грэм упоминается, как человек, вставлявший палки в колеса дружбе Трампа с Путиным.
After he emerged from a meeting in Hamburg with Putin, Trump said he and the Russian leader had agreed upon the outlines of a cooperative cybersecurity plan.
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) described the proposed pact as “pretty close” to “the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard” and introduced additional provisions to the sanctions bill that would strip Trump of much of his power to undo them - a remarkable slap at presidential prerogative.
Это плохо вяжется с поведением Грэма в последнии дни в качестве партнера Трампа по гольфу и его неутомимого поклонника.
Trump International Golf Club is a spectacular golf course.
Great day of fun playing with
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump.
https://t.co/92Xjk8d8B2- Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC)
December 10, 2017 When it comes to Alabama politics Steve Bannon should have followed President
@realDonaldTrump lead in supporting Luther Strange.
Trump’s instincts on the Alabama race proved to be correct.
- Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC)
December 13, 2017 Непонятно, с чем связано такое поведение - не то Грэм запуган компроматом, не то наивно рассчитывает получить вознаграждение.