So I started a meme hoping it would get me into posting regularly again, and then what happened? My laptop died. I could have continued the meme because I had my sister's laptop, but then I missed one day and one missed day turned into the next ... apparently they weren't all that interesting to people anyway.
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Comments 4
I'm more or less in the same boat over the job searching front. A lot of the jobs I'm considering applying say you need a year or two job experience, but I have little of that since I graduated from university (a year ago). I'm doing volunteer work for a city not far from my hometown, so I'm hoping that experience will work out fine either when I apply to more jobs or when I apply for business school.
Oh, it would be great if you post that fic chapter at Serebii/LJ and I'm sure the mods will approve (I mean, you're judging with two of them for that one shot contest :P ). And trust me, I'm sure people will notice you came back to the fanfic scene.
Yeah, life sucks sometimes, but still keep your head up. You'll pull through. *hugs*
Ugh, God yes. I graduated for good in March, myself, and I did two years of volunteer editing work which is very good for my resume, but I quit that in anticipation of moving, which didn't happen. It doesn't help that all the editing jobs are all either on the east or west coasts. But the only place I want to move to is Canberra, and there were no editing jobs from there. So mostly I'm applying for retail/receptionist jobs here and going 'I can't get experience without the opportunity to gain it, so give me job pls?'
Yes, yes I am. XD It's more that it's such a long fic (seven chapters + prologue = 112 pages thus far) and I'm not sure how much of it I'd have to send for them to read, etc etc. Now that people are actually online nowabouts, though, I can actually ask.
/hugs/ Thank you. ;.;
It's not such a huge hurdle. XD I don't know why I made it out to be. At the time, it just seemed like a huge chore to omg talk to people or ask for your guys' time in vetting it. Though, posting without finishing, heh, yeah, already done that and I'm trying not to do it again. Got a fair number of chapters waiting, though.
As for roleplay I think that's partly just me having trouble not diving headlong into things. ;.; Once I get so into something I get into it to the exclusion of all else, and that, along with time-zones, makes it hard to juggle. Plus, I play Lance and he is a fucking active sonuva, I swear. XD
Yes. Yes you do. /WHAPS WITH TIKI TORCH. and then hugs, shush.
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