Well, Violet has been back in camp for a little over a month, so! Relationship/first impressions meme goes here. You're by no means obligated to reverse, but certainly welcome to!
Violet likes Stacy! She doesn't have a lot of respect for her, but not in a "oh I am being friends with this person out of charity" way, or in a way that makes her annoyed with Stacy. She just would never, ever turn to Stacy in a crisis, and if she found Stacy in a crisis she would try to get her out at once. She has this thing! Where she wants to protect Stacy's innocence! She wants to help her be more confident, but on the other hand, she sees Stacy as having the insecurities that it's okay for a teenage girl to have. Instead of like. Hilarious trauma ones. So she likes to hang out with Stacy because it makes her feel normal, and Stacy's nice, but there is sort of a big-sister feeling too, even though I think Violet's younger
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Violet likes Watari, and respects him as a scientist. But she doesn't know much about him. She kind of looks at him the way young kids look at teachers -- more as a role than as a person. Actually, that sort of sums it up... she looks at him in the way you'd look at a really good teacher in grade five or six.
Violet likes Ziva, but still isn't comfortable around her. I think it's the fact that Ziva... asks a lot of questions. Usually questions which Violet considers semi-personal. This coupled with the fact that Ziva's an authority figure put Violet on edge. However, she definitely admires Ziva's competence and confidence. She sees Ziva as very in-charge, and would obey her in an emergency situation unhesitatingly, but would not seek out her help.
...Violet has deep misgivings about Soubi. He is shifty! He's polite, but he's polite at the wrong times, like when she's trying to concentrate on disarming a bomb. And sometimes his politeness has... not exactly an edge, but a space to it. It's very distant. She can't read him at all and will treat him with respect and politeness, but she'd never share anything personal with him or ask him for anything.
Violet likes Morrolan! He has been very helpful and polite, and she's curious about where and when he's from. She sort of wants to badger him with questions, but isn't sure whether or not that would be offensive.
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