If you’ve been reading my reviews with my Seb Watch and my Cevans Watch so far, you will know that my standard so far for ‘terrible movies you shouldn’t ever watch’ is the Ashton Kutcher vehicle Spread. A Deadly Obsession (formally known as Campus Killer) gives Spread a run for its money for the ‘don’t watch this’ crown. At least Spread has naked
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So, you’re driving along one day in your and your mobile/ cell phone goes off. Using your phone while driving issues aside, if the person on the other end told you they had been kidnapped and needed your help, what would you do? Would you even take it seriously?
If some Executive Bunny in Hollywoodland didn’t see The Craft way back in 1996 and go ‘Hey! We should remake this, but with boys!’, I’ll be extremely surprised. I could be wrong and it’s just a coincidence that we have a very small group of girls boys at an private school and one of them gets a bit too powerhappy with their magical abilities. After
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I’m going to be blunt. Unless you are like me and on a mission to watch every single movie and TV program that Sebastian Stan has been in, or you happen to have a thing for Ashton Kutcher, give Spread a miss. Go find something more productive to do. Write some good fanfic. Do some art. Watch Winter Solider again.
Had to think about this. Birds don't excite me terribly. I do like the look of owls, Willy Wagtails make me smile, but at this point in time I couldn't name one that's my favourite...