Good luck, hon. Sounds like you have a good plan laid out. Just don't get discouraged in the long term, and give yourself enough 'small permissions' to stave off the large transgressions. *grin*
And heck, if you fail, I've still got the harpoon and I can practice the call of Shamu!!! Of course, you'd have to get way beyond plump for me to actually do it, but just so you know, I remember my job after all these years.
First of all, let me tell you that I love you. Second of all, I know I haven't seen you since December, but I can't imagine that you have changed all that much. You have an excellent figure and are quite beautiful. My opinion...if you want it...Is that you don't need to lose. You are a size 6 for heavan's sake. However, I can understand changing your lifestyle.
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