hi guys, just to let you know that gen has her own lj account now kitsch_delluxe is the name, so don't get shocked when you see it come up! she's not stalking you, she just wants to be your friend. :)
I just painted the lounge room bright yellow! BRIGHT yellow! It looks like a big banana paddle pop and I'm very tempted to start licking the walls! I got sick of the dull disgusting neutral crap that someone thought was a good idea and I just couldn't live with it no more! I decided we needed some colour. Lotsa colour
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Thanks to the Grand Prix, I got woken up this morning thinking I was in the middle of WW2. NOT a nice way to wake up! I was awoken by fighter jets screaming over the roof of our place, Tamis barking at them and going bezerk, and me wondering where the fuck I was
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YAY YAY YAY! Just thought I'd let EVERYBODY know - Pixies are playing Melbourne in April! But that's not the best bit. Guess who they're playing with???!!! My favourite man - MR. Jarvis Cocker himself!! Hmmmmm.......now just to find his hotel room and somehow get in there! :)