Feb 18, 2005 14:59
getten to use a new digital cam so you will be seeing my krapy picictures
Feb 14, 2005 17:05
when sunday morning came i said dam i need a gift for my girl so i picked up a box of chacolates and a card and then i remember that she wanted this ring so i went and bought that now i have like 3 bucks in my pocket but i have to say it was worth it and i attached this lilttle poem 'love is a deadly emoanal sickness and im dien over you'
Feb 12, 2005 20:47
batlle of the band was awsome but a liltle restrictive like the teachers wouldnt let any fun take place but the last band was the best by the way wats the name of that band???
Dec 02, 2004 17:27
wats up its pat