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queerasfolkfans Life of Brian; A Lesson In Standards: QAF Recap 507 06-26-05 by StickyKeys My best “on location” friends Juanita and Jerrod were in town and I made them sit and watch with me, so this recap will be formatted a little differently than usual.
Talk about a crazy night to go with a crazy episode.
”Excerpt” )
Comments 4
I don't really see how QAF conflicts with Christian beliefs. The Bible verses that appear to reference sex between men (Lev 18:23 and others) are open to interpretation. Biblical scholars generally agree that the verses were directed towards male prostitution in the temple and other pagan rituals that involved sodomy, and that they had more to do with discouraging paganism than discouraging homosexuality.
Also, there are numerous verses in the Old Testament that warn against eating shellfish, wearing blended fabrics, planting multiple crops in one field, working on sabbath days, and touching a menstruating woman, as all are considered "abominations" often punishable by death. So I don't see how watching QAF is in any more conflict with Christianity than leaving the house while on your period or going to a seafood buffet.
Now I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, and I'm not trying to start anything. I love hearing all sides and getting new things to think about it.
But in the most general sense, Christianity and Homosexuality conflict. And I hate that more than anything in this world.
I'm still researching and trying to prove it wrong!
I know that verses such as Romans 1:26 are considered to be NT criticism of homosexuality, but again, Biblical scholars and theologians have begun to acknowledge that such writings were meant to reprimand pagan ritual, not homosexuality itself. I suppose it depends on whether or not one interprets the Bible literally.
I hope I'm not coming off as abrasive; just here for friendly debate!
This is a good site for Bible passages related to homosexuality.
I am of the sect that teaches the Bible to be a literal interpretation. That's what kills me is because if you believe it, you have to believe all of it.
I have become well versed in apologetics trying to find one contradiction that is not proven valid, but everyone has a different interpretation of what the Bible says.
I want to expound more, but my nieces and nephews are pulling at me!
I'll be back later!
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