Rekha's village, Jhalda II, is a seven-hour drive from Kolkata and has one of India's highest female illiteracy rates. As is the fate of many girls here, Rekha's parents pulled her from school after they began arrangements for the wedding. No point in learning since she would soon be a bride. "I felt very sad because my best friends were going to
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Start a free internet service. Charge extra for extra features. Have Google come along and destroy your market by giving away those features for free.
Here's the brilliant part: make it close to impossible to cancel, and then keep billing people once a year even after they've canceled, hoping they won't notice.
An Indiana man has filed a lawsuit against a Lawrenceville, Indiana police officer and a local doctor and hospital, claiming he was forcibly catheterized after a DWI stop. According to the lawsuit, Jamie Lockard passed his roadside breath test. But the officer still detained Lockard and took him to a local hospital, where doctors strapped him to a
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I just bought a floor lamp. Apparently this is the first floor lamp, specifically the first "torchiere", that I've purchased that was manufactured on or after January 1st, 2006. There's a funny box of a sort I'd never seen before labeled "current limiting device" as well as a few stickers labeled "federal regulation" with bits about 190 watt limits
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I'm going to go see him in Seattle on 9/15, and you should too. I'm looking at you, sharkcowsheep porphyre's post has more tour dates for you non-Seattle folks.
At work I develop and operate the video transcoding pipeline. I don't have time to watch everything that comes out, we have a whole QC procedure for that, but I do like to spot-check the outputs. Sometimes I find some real gems by the lesser-known providers. This morning I ran across a title by MVD. It's the 1925 silent film of Phantom of the Opera
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