Nov 12, 2008 03:11
- 12:16 Didn't get DC job. Poo. How did I end up with 3 years experience and not really any new skills to show for it? Bad situation all around. #
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Nov 11, 2008 02:56
- 21:40 Making the next costume in my head already...For extra hilarity in your day, watch this: is.gd/6YL2 It's me so feel free to laugh :) #
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Nov 10, 2008 03:16
- 11:59 working on my elf costume. ZOMG, it looks amazing in the felt!!!! (as opposed to the tan colored cloth I used for the prototype. #
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Nov 09, 2008 02:44
- 20:57 Friend's wedding today. Caught bouquet. Also busted thanks to someone stepping on my dress. Never fear... youtube link to come :) Hilarious! #
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Nov 07, 2008 01:56
- 08:39 External resume updates complete. Sigh. Now to look for backups in case my company lets me down. #
- 23:10 Corporate Rah Rah party was more blah blah.... But I'm bitter. Did reconnect with some coworkers - some more job leads, too. #
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Nov 06, 2008 19:33
- 20:14 Picked up my dress tonight for my friend's wedding this weekend. Can't wait! #
- 08:39 External resume updates complete. Sigh. Now to look for backups in case my company lets me down. #
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Nov 05, 2008 19:46
- 23:42 Congrats America! I hope this brings excitement to the people-not for tax refunds,but participation and change...We can only hope. And do. #
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Nov 04, 2008 19:33
- 23:49 The elf hat prototype made for the show is WIN. The whole cast agrees. Can't wait to finish it and the rest of my costume. I'm crafty. #
- 09:51 aacccccckkkkK! My attic critter is back, after having been gone several months. Perhaps it seeks shelter inside during the colder months. #
- 09:52 PS... eat for free today: tinyurl.com/66kv22 #
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Nov 03, 2008 19:42
- 20:45 Bought a sewing machine to make my costume for the play. Now looking for other things to sew. Addicted!! Anyone need anything mended? #
- 08:22 Cleaned up kitchen last night. I have counters! One more load in the dishwasher and it is finished. May try NaBloPoMo on twitter. We'll see. #
- 11:13 Wow... totally forgot about my appointment for a
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