Everything in the universe moves according to Quantum mechanics - the rules of quantum mechanics approach Newtonian (classical) mechanics as objects get larger.
i.e. there is a non zero possibility of a basket ball instantaneously existing elsewhere temporarily but because of it's size unlikely
Incredibly small objects (neutrons, electrons, protons, quarks, etc.) seem to operate more on the quantum mechanics ideal.
The reason for this separation in behaviour is currently unknown - hence the current search for the unifying theory between these two models.
Comments 5
i.e. there is a non zero possibility of a basket ball instantaneously existing elsewhere temporarily but because of it's size unlikely
Incredibly small objects (neutrons, electrons, protons, quarks, etc.) seem to operate more on the quantum mechanics ideal.
The reason for this separation in behaviour is currently unknown - hence the current search for the unifying theory between these two models.
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