Jul 11, 2006 10:00
i hate waking up early.
i have too much day and not enough ehergy to do anything with.
i've lost 5 pounds in the last week.
being depressed and anxious sucks.
what sucks more is feeling like your losing something important to you...
Apr 23, 2005 12:53
i fucking hate it.
my dad is down my throat
my mom is down my throat
my school is totally fucking me over.
i barely ride anymore.
i never have any money.
newburyport just keeps getting hit with thragedy after tragedy.
i just want to fast forawrd 10 years.
this fucking sucks.
Mar 12, 2005 18:57
failing out of school.
NHS is bullshit.
Mar 08, 2005 21:45
i need a topic for my english paper.
it can be about anything as long as i dont know a lot about it
and as long as i am interesed...help anyone????????
Dec 13, 2004 11:36
I am going to get my tattoo finished tonight, maybe i will post pictures if you all are lucky.
Nov 21, 2004 18:58
sometimes, i just dont fucking know.
the smiths give me a headache.
Nov 12, 2004 18:31
both my parents are absoloutley fucking nuts.