So in honor of my new job and life, I decided to change the format of this journal a little. I started orientation last week and have received all the mandatory try and save money and don't get the hospital sued talks. Yesterday we went to the beach and did team building activities with my class. Did I mention that I LOVE living near the water
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Ah, yet another evening in the world of on call-ness. One patient down. One to go. This is going to be a short post though b/c scrubs is on soon and I'm not going to miss it (even though I'll probably get called for my second patient in the middle of it
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i HATE being on call. really really hate it. I'm sitting here bored in the computer lab while i'm praying that i get another patient in the next 4 hours so i can go home and sleep in my own bed tonight. blah.
Oh my goodness, I think I'm going to go crazy with boredom. I'm on my second to last rotation and i had to schedule my medicine subinternship this month. My senior resident is pretty cool, but she sort freaks out when she gets stressed and that's sort of annoying
( Read more... )'s January already and I'm seriously in awe of the fact that I'm graduating in 16.5 weeks. SOOO cool. Then I'll be Dr. Berarducci. Well, what's happened since the last entry. Went to Bayfront in St. Pete for Oct. Everything was wonderful, and they've basically let me know that they feel the same way about me. After that four week stint
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so for the first time, really, in 4 weeks I'm twidling my thumbs. We have like an hour before the OR is ready for our next case, and I have a million things to do, but they're all at home, so I can't do them. It's just so wonderful
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