With few exceptions, you have sucked. Royally. The past 5 days have also not been any sort of fun. This could be a long 9 months if you don't get your act together.
As unbelievably difficult as this year has been, I am eternally thankful for incredible friends:
The day you stop having revelations is the day you stop learning. The day you stop learning is the day you stop growing. The day you stop growing you stop living. And the day you stop living is a sad day indeed.
Dad: It's like you're the kid who is watching the King pass by naked. Me: Yep, and I can't say anything. Cause the king will get pissed and behead me and everyone else around me will be incredibly uncomfortable. Dad: At least you know that the parade will end for you. Me: In 8 months....
I watched history happen in the church I grew up in today, from a live-feed video streaming a national assembly of a 1000 voting members in a different time-zone, and a different climate
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Today's distractions from the hole inside of me included small children who were strangers but hugged me anyway and old ladies who were silly but had opinions about everything
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I really hope I didn't incriminate myself on the phone tonight. That I didn't predict the future by speaking what it is I'm feeling to someone who isn't either you or I, and therefore potentially cementing my bias already
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