though the world sort of fell apart around and within me today, i felt it important to note that I saw a rainbow this evening, because we convinced our TA to let us have our PC lab outside. ♥ and I had puppy therapy
precious pieces of information that should soothe anxiety blast at me. But I can't seem to decide if they are pellets of ice or simply cool water in the sweltering heat.
I shouldn't make my first post in 2009 about something that makes me so frustrated I could run away to a circus, but it needs to get out and I need to go to bed
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I'm quite certain nothing makes a Coney lunch more enjoyable then being told "DUH!" by a 3 year old. Please note how much more of a camera-bug Lynnie is then Ryan.
But the smiles and the giggles of each of them make my life.