A Night at the SymphonyThere's something magical about a night at the symphony - a sense of expectation and pure pleasure. Imagine being able to take a place on that stage among the other musicians, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to perform at your very best
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Created by conchessa and taken 21 times on Bzoink about YOUmiddle namewei-pingeyesbrownDo you..?listen to your heart?yahthink your sexy?sometimesgossip?yuplike 80's music?hmm...i'm not sure if i even know anyloose track of what day it is?yah, usually during breaksbecome speechless when someone takes your breath away?yah. it's
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I'm doing some survey research for a class I have on middle and high school students. If you have time, leave a comment with your response, or email me at janseno@student.wpunj.edu. Any responses are appreciated. Thanks
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I'm basically trying to get people to fill out this poll because I'm doing a research essay on livejournal and the people that use it. I'd really appreciate it if people will fill it out♥