Title: Ghosts Author: Quid G. Snidget Pairings: Sirius/Remus, James/Lily Genre: Fun, Romance, Angst. Rating: PG-13 Summary: Remus is getting married. Sirius is happy for him. Until some ghosts remind him that he’s not.
Merlin, may the ghosts of Remus, Sirius, and James past visit me in my sleep and give me the answers to the test I'm obviously not studying for.
This had my heart squeezed tightly almost the entire time. I was holding my breath the entire time Sirius confessed, and I was petrified that everything was going to suck for all of them (as it tends to go in canon) and then HOMG you bring up an almost-happy ending! (I say almost because I do feel bad for Tonks, poor girl. The icon is merely in affectionate jest.) It was such a ride~
Never thought I'd see A Christmas Carol actually play out well in a Harry Potter story. Not cheesily, but well.
Oh man, I really should be studying too... but clearly I have other things I'd rather do.
I totally struggled with the leaving dear Tonks at the altar, but every alternative I wrote just came out really horrible. Few things irk me more than blatant character bashing, especially when it's the girls. If anything I think I may have let poor Sirius have it, I lost count of how many times I let someone call him asshole/bastard/jerk/etc... I'm glad it was unpredictable enough to be interesting.
Thanks for reading and thank you so much for your kind words!!
I need to get some sleep now, but. I really, really liked this. I loved the characterization, of...well, everyone, actually, but James has a couple of lines that were real stand-outs to me. The narrative style, too, I found was very accessible and engaging. Very 'a spade is a spade', and I adored it. This piece is so refreshing. It's so great when something like this comes out with just that twist of something else. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us :)
Oh, my, this is fantastic. I loved how Prongs was portrayed, it just screamed Marauder to me. And I loved Remus, too...and Sirius...hell, everyone was excellent.
And dear Lord, may Lily and James Potter one day grace me with their supernatural presence and help me with all my Life-Changing Decisions.
Comments 7
This had my heart squeezed tightly almost the entire time. I was holding my breath the entire time Sirius confessed, and I was petrified that everything was going to suck for all of them (as it tends to go in canon) and then HOMG you bring up an almost-happy ending! (I say almost because I do feel bad for Tonks, poor girl. The icon is merely in affectionate jest.) It was such a ride~
Never thought I'd see A Christmas Carol actually play out well in a Harry Potter story. Not cheesily, but well.
Fabulous job~!
I totally struggled with the leaving dear Tonks at the altar, but every alternative I wrote just came out really horrible. Few things irk me more than blatant character bashing, especially when it's the girls. If anything I think I may have let poor Sirius have it, I lost count of how many times I let someone call him asshole/bastard/jerk/etc...
I'm glad it was unpredictable enough to be interesting.
Thanks for reading and thank you so much for your kind words!!
I really, really liked this. I loved the characterization, of...well, everyone, actually, but James has a couple of lines that were real stand-outs to me. The narrative style, too, I found was very accessible and engaging. Very 'a spade is a spade', and I adored it. This piece is so refreshing. It's so great when something like this comes out with just that twist of something else. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us :)
Thank you so much!
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It was much fun to write. ♥
And dear Lord, may Lily and James Potter one day grace me with their supernatural presence and help me with all my Life-Changing Decisions.
Oh if only... I could use a Prongs-ghost any day of the week.
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