the following people need to add my new lj or if you dont want to be my friend anymore, then dont. but some of you are close friends and need to know about the change, so here we go
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but now schools canceled for a week. which sucks, because now theyre just gonna take it off more from one of our other breaks. today we went to port god! it is sooo baaad there!! everything is just tore up!! theres no power what so ever. so no street lights are working. and a lot of people dont have roofs! it was very
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so the hurricane wasnt really that bad...theres a bunch of trees coming out of the ground everywhere, but thats about it. i actually slept thru the whole thing lol. and tomorrow we might go south of here to see the damage in like ft meyers (we heard it was pretty bad there) but yeah..we hid in the closets lol. we boarded up the glass sliding doors
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this bitch is gonna hit directly on us!! and we havent boarded up our windows or anything!! and we have 3 glass sliding doors!! and theres tornado watches!! this sucks...well, i need to get off of the computer, we're unplugging everything. bye
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OMFG!!!! THIS IS A COMPLETE DISASTER!!!!! i must have done something to not let me comment! because i cant on my new journal!!!! can someone PLEASE fix this?? i'll give you my frieaking password to fix this...just do it!!! im in dire need of help....gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....this is why you dont do shit at 2 0 clock in the fucking morning!!!!!! >.
so i need a wee bit of help...i need a new icon for my new journal. and i can never get the damn things small enough!! so if someone would be so kind as to help me with that, i could just sent it to you and you make it a bit smaller...AND i dunno how to make it say friends only like all the cool kids. haha. probably because im stupid!! is all you
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i just made a new journal...its gonna be friends only. but i've already added all of my friends from this lj, so all you gotta do is just add me back, k?? AND i made a new aim name (because i didnt want to use my dads anymore) and its combatxlove, so add that to ur buddy lists!! kthnxbye.
i hate florida. theres a tornado in jacksonville...theyre havin really bad weather up there right now!! i hope krystal and my grandparents r ok. my great grandmas sposed to be gettin her surgery tomorrow!! and now we're all gonna dye down here, so kiss me goodbye!! *mwa* theres urs! (lol) but really...hurricanes are such bitches.