~suki da yo
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http://community.livejournal.com/raburesu_rating/102347.html?view=764107#t764107 http://community.livejournal.com/raburesu_rating/102839.html#cutid1 http://community.livejournal.com/raburesu_rating/102451.html#cutid1 Name: Elizabeth. though no one calls me that, they all call me Lizzie...or Matt XD
Age: 14 (just turned 14~ =D )
Likes: food, being with a few close friends, sleeping late, reading at night, umbrellas, sushi with crab in it, looking up random words in Japanese, drawing, sewing, cosplaying, swiming, taking long baths, eating laaate at night, glitter, playing guitar,metal and the way grass smells right after you cut it.
Dislikes: sweet foods, soda, getting up before 7AM, most school work, straighteneing my hair, the way 'hi' looks when you don't make the 'H' in caps, the feel you get on your hands if you dont' wash them more then once an hour and being warm.
Hobbies: drawing, sewing, i think thats abut it XD
Would You Rather...
Be single, or in a serious relationship? ...thats hard. ether way its kinda scary. but i think i'd rather be in a serious relationship. though it scars me more then being alone somehow...
Be a fighter or a sacrifice? i think sacrifce. i don't really take pain well but its better then having someone else hurt because of me.
Be street-smart or intellectual? Intellectual. though i'm really not XD
Live alone, or with a room mate? i think with a room mate. so long as they didn't smoke! i can't breath around people who have smoked with in the last day @_@
Live a short, exciting life, or a long, quiet life? i'd like a long quiet life. i like excitment but i get stressed out far too easily and will have panic attacks....
A little-known fact about you: hmm...i'm part blind in one eye, i get sick if i eat ravioli and i think fish are one of the grossest things on the earth.
Who do you look up to as a model for how to live your life? on one? i just kinda...live XD
What do people appreciate most about you? um....i really don't know. in all truth i don't really see how most of my friends can stand me XD but they do. i guess i'm alright to be around then.
Three positive words to describe yourself: when i say nice things abuot my self i feel like i'm being selfsentered. @_@ but here it goes. i think i'm kinda funny. i try to keep people happy and i think i'm kinda nice most of the time...though only to people that don't annoy me, which is very easy to do.
Three negative words to describe yourself: way too shy, nervous about almost everything and i can be kinda crule...
What quality do you value most in others? hmmm...i guess braveness.
The world's not a perfect place. What would you want to change about it? hate to pull a miss america, but no more wars would be nice. very nice. and no one going hungry or being sick and having no help. and get rid of those super preppy people who only care about looks. and get rid of homophobes and gay-bashers.
You're not perfect, either. What would you change about yourself? i'd like to be less shy and more cconfident abuot my self and what i do.
Do you believe in people? yep! only half the time i get let down :3
In yourself? ...sometimes XD;
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? i think Youji. hes so cute and care free~ and no pain! w00t. Kio might be fun too XD sit around the bother Soubi all day. though i wouldn't eat candy like him >_O
If you had the chance to become a part of the Loveless-verse (as yourself) for the rest of your life, would you take it? could i take some friends with me? XD yeah, i'd do it..
Who is your favorite character? ............that is one hard question XD. i think ether Youji, Natsuo, Seimei or Ritsuka ...even though i hate Seimei. i love him also. its weird like that. XD
Your least favorite? RITSU! hate hate hate hate hate!
Show us 1-2 pictures of yourself! (No cosplay pictures, please) If you don't have a picture, give a brief description of yourself.
i don't want to put a photo up XD; but i have darkish blond hair to my waist, cut in layers (i had it cut like Natsuos~) and its curly. i have blue eyes and really pale skin. all of my friends say i'm really thin but i think i'm about avarage. i'm 5 foot 5 and 115 pounds. ummm. what else...oh, i take dance so i'm kinda a lot stronger then i look and can carry things heavier then me XD i have really small hands...I think thats about it XD
Defying all expectation, a group of Scottish marine biologists capture a live Loch Ness Monster. In an almost unbelievable coincidence, a bear hunter in the Pacific Northwest shoots a Sasquatch in the thigh, thereby allowing zoologists to take the furry monster into captivity. These events happen on the same afternoon. That evening, the president announces that he may have thyroid cancer, and will undergo a biopsy later that week. You are the front-page editor of the New York Times: What do you play as the biggest story?
i don't wanna do this one just cuz XD
*Bonus Question courtesy of Chuck Klosterman