My true name is....

Mar 03, 2009 18:41

Name/Nickname: Penka
Character Stamped As: Ritsuka
Four People You Voted On: 1, 2, 3, 4

Q-01: What things are you physically and mentally good at?
A-01: If that are positive traits, so I'm strong physically and can bear almost everything. I can organize everyone and everything. I'm so stubborn when I have something on my mind. I don't give up easy and I am loyal to everyone which earn my trust

Q-02: What things are you physically and mentally not good at?
A-02: If that is a negative things about myself, so I'm not good in mathematics, I don't trust people easily, sometimes I can be cruel (if someone provokes me)and my stubborn time to time plays tricks. About physically things- I can sustain everything except to loose some part of my body.

Q-03: What are some of the things that make you uncomfortable?
A-03: One of the things is when I must speaking about myself. Other things are when someone with big self-confidence show it and treats others like they are nothing(in some cases I just wont to kick his ass)

Q-04: How long does it usually take for someone to gain your trust?
A-04: Very long. Usually someone to gain my trust must do almost impossible.

Q-05: What is one of the special quirks you have that make you who you are?
A-05: I don't know. If to be unpredictable is a quirk - that is mine.

Q-06: If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
A-06: If I can, I wouldn't change anything. Everything in me makes me who I am.

Q-07: If you lived in a world like Loveless, would you rather be a fighter or sacrifice? why?
A-07: It's a hard question to answer. May be I'll would be a sacrifice. I'm good in giving orders and more or less is easy to me to take the pain instead of cause it (except when someone is deserve it very ....strong). And as a sacrifice I can spear others lifes

Q-08: Say you were a fighter, how would you fight? (What element would you like to use? Would you fight in defense for your sacrifice, offense to win, or a mix depending on what happens? what?)
A-08: As a fighter I'll do everything to defend my sacrifice, no matter what will happen with me and win. After all everything in a battle more or less is unpredictable and you must manage with everything what hapens

Q-09: If you were a sacrifice caught up in a spell battle, what would you do? (What commands would you give your fighter? What would be your strategy in battle?)
A-09: My strategy is to win so no matter I'm caught or not my commands always will lading in that direction.

Q-10: Again, as a sacrifice you can order your fighter pretty much to do any thing! With this kind of control over a person, answer truthfully now, would you abuse it or use it when necessary? (Would you treat them as a slave or friend?)
A-10: I'll use it when necessary. When battle is ahead. And even with such a control I'll treat my fighter as a friend. After all we depend form each other and if we are friends to me will be easy to trust him

Q-11: Which unit/sacrifice and fighter pair do you think you'd be less likely to be voted as? (please, explain why in as much detail as you can.)
A-11: I don't know really.May be Zero...In battles sometimes they are so cold and loose humanity.....I can't

Q-12: What would be one word with -less at the end of it, like Loveless or Fearless, that would describe you pretty well? (Some examples to help you answer/vote on this question would be: Clueless, Luckless, Reckless, etc.)

After answering that, for fun, take that word you chose above and come up with a spell battle intro like the ones given under the voting info.
A-12: Reckless (thanks for help)(something like fearless)

unit name theme: fearless

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