Invent a memory of me and post it in the comments. It can be pretty much anything you want, so long as it's something that's never happened. Then, of course, post this to your journal and see what people would like to remember of you, only the universe failed to cooperate in making it happen so they had to make it up instead.
HEEEEEEEEEEEEY HEy, I'm at J-babys house and we are stone. :) Haaaaaar hummmmmmmm. {{) KNow what J-Bubz.; Go with whaat uuuuuu wont! IF oooo want that... THING then thats ok! :) I support ya 1000% Theb heart wants what tha heart wantz! :)
OH NO! It's the episode of Always Greener where she loses the baby :( I think I'm ganna cry. It's funny thought, all the customers that come in keep asking me whats wrong lol