bored to death..........went to the movies with cat wednesday and josh ..let me tell ya he is a great kisser ..the best i have ever kissed ..loland the movies it was good too
i am sOO haPPy...with my life right now i have the best BOYFRIEND ever and he is sOO swEEt to ME ..YAYAY and no one can ever take his place in my heart!!
i am so haPPy i am overthat BOY NOW and have a new one that catches my aTTention nad i like that ..he is so nice to me and i reaLLy like him ...there are no WORD to descrbie him..but wat i can say is that he is the best thingthat has haPPened to me in aLONG TIME!!
--i ask myself why do bad things in LIFE haPPen to me .....weLL this one boy i thought LOVED me weLL he said he did......he slept with another GIRL i dont even think he knew HER..but i dont know i stiLL want him but i dont think that is ever goNNA haPPEn and i gueSS i wasnt a big enough SLUT for HIM!!!
nothin reaLLY just bored i hope my suMMer is goNNa be great and jonathan are gOOd reaL gOOd ...i love him so much and i just hope he fEEls the same...we have bEEn dating for *1monthand20days*!!YAY friends are gOOd tOO me and cat cant get any closer ..ilove you tater!!* weLL i gueSS iLL get oFF here and caLL my BABYBOY!!
i had sOO *MUCH* FUN this saturday ..i went to PVs PROM and i had so much fun after PROM was BETTER than PROM>>>>I LOVE YOU JONATHAN *MORE* it was the best day ever....i LOVE you so MUCH!!!
i am sOO haPPy = ) ..i cant wait tiLL saturday iTS PVsPROM ...... and i am going with my boyFRIEND *JONATHAN* and *I LOVE YOU(MORE)* and we have bEEn datin since APRIL 1 and that was the best day of my LIFE*
weLL i am siTTin here just figures i would update and miSSin *jonathan* ...i cant wiat tiLL i sEE *him* this wEEkend..i always have so MUCH fun when i am with *him* !!