So I take that back about me not having Aspie qualities... I do act arrogant and like a know-it-all a lot of the time - although I still don't think it's really due to problems with reading people. It gets me into trouble though
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Suppose someone hit someone else's parked car and scuffed their paint a tiny bit, and let's say they asked their insurance to pay for it. What would the insurance company do first? Would they take a statement from you and then go inspect the car?
Very bad day today. Screwed up at work. Hit a parked car (didn't hit it hard, just scuffed the paint a little, but still.) Got very depressed and could not get a hold of the people I usually talk to when I'm depressed
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OK personal journal update. Let's see. My dad's in chemo. My mythology boss was hitting on me today. My cat has a head wound and I'm interviewing for a new job.
Think that's about it. My cat is also trying to escape from being locked in my room, but I want him to stay there till his head heals.
I really want to die. I feel like I will never get out of being me and as long as I'm me I can never achieve anything or go anywhere. I would like to jump off a cliff.
The problem with having a boyfriend who lives in another state is that you can't have sex that frequently and you can't cuddle that frequently. I mean, I talk to my boyfriend every day and I see him about once a month or once every other month (cause he visits me or flies me out there), but I still get lonesome when he's not physically here.