I was overly warm outside. So I'm hidin' out in the guidance office. Blair is sitting next to me. She's gay. Yeah, I'm talking to you, Blair
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All you livejournal pals out there can pee your pants with excitement(or perhaps just let loose a brief utterance of surprise) because I, Rachel P. Wilson, of Forte upon Ashbury, am updating my livejoural
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Gahhhh... I have senioritis, and I'm not even a senior! Staying in school just seems so mundane and pointless at the moment. So tomorrow Mrs. Vogtman will not be in class, which means no physics to worry about. Soo... I can
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The National Honor's Society induction ceremony was 4th block today(as well as other various academic awards). The whole thing was a load of bullshit, even though I was relieved to get out of Hutzel's class(I still can't believe the bastard threw my book). My school is now awarding people for passing computer applications 1; this is the class
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This has been the slowest fucking week ever. Someone is messing with the clocks. Or maybe somewhere within it's orbit, Earth has become trapped in cosmic peanut butter
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