Title: One Eye Pointed Upwards
Fandom: Bones
rachg82Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Brennan, Booth/Brennan, the whole Scooby gang
Word Count: About 7,800
Spoilers: Season 6, but nothing for "The Doctor in the Photo." I have yet to watch the episode & have been working like a mad woman all day to finish it.
Disclaimer: I don't own the
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Comments 36
The thought running through my head through the whole second half of this: Oh my god, it's almost over. NO.
What a beautiful, beautiful piece of writing. And very insightful. I haven't read much fic that's come out of season 6 because, frankly, I don't have a lot of positive things to say about the show itself right now, but I am so, SO glad that I read your piece. It reminded me of all of the things that I used to love about Bones and made me think that maybe that love isn't lost after all.
Thank you.
I love Brennan. In the beginning, I loved Booth more, but after 5 years, Brennan's my gal.
I cried through most of it. Still crying.
Your fic gives me more hope than the series. ::hugs::
Thank you x1,000 for your lovely comment. It means so much to me. I'd say I'm sorry you cried, but I know that's usually actually a good thing when reading fic, so I'll take it as a compliment. *hugs you back*
Thanks so much for sharing!
I hope to write at least one more. Tonight's ep was--whew! I expect fandom to implode. Ha.
I am so not used to praise, haha. *purrs*
Seriously though, thank you so much for the detailed critique. It's really helpful to know what worked for people so that if I write again, I won't go in blind. I'm thrilled the response wasn't, "IT SUCKS!" Ha.
*edited for brainfail
Also: thanks. Hee. I'm really touched that I was able to bring out emotion in people. ♥
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