Title: "Of Water and Moonlight"
red-rahl and
myrafur = OTP!
Rating: R-NWS
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Warnings: yummy slash, nudity, lots of love bites, wet boys and ...did I mention biting?
Notes: I'm so honored to be working with my sweetest
red-rahl, again! This collab stemmed from a kinky paintchat session and has become one of my favorites of all time. Photoshop ate a copy, early on, that we'd spent a ton of time on, and it very nearly didn't get picked up, again. Lucky for us, we did. I'm incredibly happy with the end result. ♥ (Matter of fact, the star chart is accurate for Great Britain in summer! *preens*) Anyway, hope you like it as much as we do!