i'm starting a new journal i've decided. and a new s/n both are Hearhillaryroar
so add them please you're all added as my friends.... so YAY... haah. i'm deleting this one, and wn't be using hillary theklutz anymore. it is time for a change. haha =]
Today: Bio exam (fuck my life) actually... it is all on biochem, which is easy as fuck, and the other stuff is on the cell, which is the same material as microanatomy but less complex
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I am officially moving on from that disgusting part of my life. I'm going to continue to see nate, but it will only be to help make myself stronger
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i eat like a horse. and that is all. as soon as i start eating healthy and feeling good about myself... i have like sporadic eating binges. ugh. i probably have BED or something
i should probably just stop fixating on food. but i don't think that ever is going to happen. oh well. =]
I love my boyfriend. He's a nerd. and a creep. but so am i. these are good things. he eats like a beast. but so do it. he's like my mirror image. but tall brunette, with a penis. and less mentally fucked up. well. maybe not. maybe we're equal in that regard. =]
i think i'm going to need to start contacting my roomie for next year. oh