alpestrine posted a list of the songs used in "The Real Merlin and Arthur" here, & i took that & ran with it & compiled all the songs into a convenient, easy to download package, just because i'm awesome like that.
So I was catching up on old magazines lying around my floor and stumbled across an Anton Yelchin mixtape in the May(!) issue of Nylon, and lo and behold...I have music!
Major creative block as far as writing goes, but! I have a new shiny fandom! Yesterday, I whipped up a batch of cover art for several of 119-nevermore's mixes. Kirk and Spock are so frigging shiny!
i'm not sure how this happened. i was trying to write the smut scene for riordan & seann, but...i got stuck. & then this popped out. apparently i have a thing for naked/half-naked boys that i don't know what to do with.
an AU drabble for a story i'm working on. please please tell me if i've messed up grammar or spelling or have enormous plot loopholes because i have no beta & i hate editing because i always wind up deleting everything, so i have no idea if this works.