Title: Because Love has its Seasons Pairing: Subassan Rating: PG Summary: Drabbles kind of connected to each other, but can stand alone as well. Disclaimer: As much as I want to, they're not mine.
ZOMG You read it! :)) I shall continue to spam (flood?) you from now on. Oh, and should I give you something else entirely for your birthday? I like giving stuff eh :| I'll give you Tegomass no Ai the next time we meet!
Comments 13
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I didn't think anyone would read it.
Thank you for reading! :D
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That made me really happy ♥
And even if it's tiring to copy paste the hearts, I will continue doing so, because you are awesome♥
Sadly, not many people write Eito fics :|
More hearts! ♥♥♥
It's really made my day! I was looking for Yasuba fics all day long, and then I saw this one! XDDD
You can tell how happy I am! <3333
Thanks for writing :D
Thanks for reading :D
I especially liked the way you used the words in achromatic and walking
no better than a pageless book, and no more beautiful than an empty heart
this line is simply beautiful
and the last one is such a cute idea <3
though I didn't quite get the whole idea in between walking and open D: maybe it's already too late over here, damn
Thanks for commenting!
thank you for sharing
You read it! :))
I shall continue to spam (flood?) you from now on.
Oh, and should I give you something else entirely
for your birthday?
I like giving stuff eh :|
I'll give you Tegomass no Ai the next time we meet!
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