Many things have happened over many years. In a way the result left me a husk, a shadow of what I was, what my potential is. Today I start to come out of hiding, to cast of the cloaks of darkness and deception and all their masks to become once again renewed. Over the years I had gone from darkness to light and back to darkness again. This is
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It's been 8 years, as of this July, 2011, since I awoke, realizing my Draconity. It's been a long, often rough ride, yet still I am here and still I carry on, fighting on to what end I do not yet know
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I have mostly been addicted to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 lately, so I have been playing that a lot as well as debugging my desktop in an attempt to have a system that is stable at lower than the default voltages for things, it seems to work with CPU but my RAM is kinda a hog :P
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I moved to Nanaimo as of Monday, May 3rd. My gf arrived in Prince George on tuesday, April 27th and from there we packed, cleaned, and loaded her dad's truck up that she borrowed from her dad. We left on Sunday with most of the cleaning and such done and asked the people upstairs if they could drop off the stuff left behind at Value Village for
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I do exist still, my head is a bit jammed though with the many things I want to talk about, so I may have several posts upcoming talking about these things, most are semi-past things. By semi-past they are events that occurred but are still occurring on a smaller scale, driving forth decisions and possible future events
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It has come to attention that my "sexuality" is confusing and rather unfortunately misunderstood when I was given the impression that it was understood and fine. Yes I admit it's hard on the people that I love, but I also admit it's hard on me too, but in the end I do need to fill my needs before my wants. When I say I love someone, it takes me
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Hi there. I have been quite occuppied for some time now it would seem. This has left me generally feeling to blah or mentally drained to bother posting or even being too social online since getting back from the vacation that was all asplodey
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The laptop is ill, it has been sent away for repair. Purolator picked it up today. I was surprised Acer booked Purolator to pick it up at my door to take it to Burnaby, BC, heh, in the same province at least. The lappy was acting like it had some sort of short in the power management circuitry on the mainboard itself, switching between AC and
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I have a correction to make, courtesy actually of Valyen. Valyen brought something more to my attention after the LJ comment she left online that ended up resulting in an intense and long conversation between me, her, Daza, and the person I was alluding to in that post. The matter brought to my attention was that they were being entirely dishonest
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