Title: The Other Side of Us
random_nicRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: ATWT characters are the property of Telenext and CBS.
Word Count: 1408
Summary: Lives are changed in the wake of a traumatic event.
Chapter 1 (for anyone catching up) (
It seemed like Noah was spoiling for a fight… )
Comments 9
Poor Hurting boys :( :(
Love love love their snarkiness still so damn much. They bounce off one another so much its a delight to read Nic!
Poor Reid getting his foot trapped :-( Noah really is hard on him.
Great to see an update. Sorry it pulled all ya teeth out lol
Their interaction is so intriguing! Despite himself, Reid can't stay away from Noah. And does Noah really intend to leave? Can he really believe that will make it easier?
Hurry back with the next chapter soon!
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