Aug 15, 2004 01:16
sometimes ties are more important than everything else...
Aug 10, 2004 02:57
ive been getting by pretty well these last few days.
pedro and i got to drink downtown for a little while.
we then continued over to the house for some fine cocktail conversations and some natty.
and then i passed the f*** out.
Aug 08, 2004 00:59
check it out...
ive been riding the world and the world has been answering with mad fun.
5th ave brought brews
the house brought brews
and i will sleep with insane-o memories
Jun 11, 2004 03:23
Sep 3rd (Friday)
Lamb of God, Atreyu, Unearth, Every Time I Die
Beta Bar
Apr 16, 2004 03:25
draaaaaaaaaaaaags on way too long. unfortunately you have to see it to finish the saga, but don't go expecting action (enjoy what action you get).
Jan 29, 2004 02:49
what does (partially) hydrogenated mean?
Dec 29, 2003 17:07
im in cape cod, maxin relaxin, please fwd all calls to my email.
Dec 28, 2003 02:43
"It seems like [life] is often a puzzle game where you have to choose: Past, Present, or Future." ~Sir Samuel Johnson (1843-1870)