COMMENT AND POST A MEMORY OF ME. It can be anything you want. It can be good or bad, just so long as it happened (really). Then, post this to your journal to see what people remember about you...
you can even post anonymously if u wanna mix it up a little.
im drunk kinda im thinking kinda i need a good getdrunk-passout night ya know what i mean maybe tomorrow night will be that night i just need to drown my feelings at this moment
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thank you so much from the bottum of my heart to all who came down town it helped people remeber the good times and the bad but most of all it helped up remeber him
duncan face we will miss you and we all love you very much
a few or more are going down town to talk aobut the whole chris duncan thing so if you need to come down ther ther will be poeple to talk to and will probly be ther till 9 or 10
ok so im applying for a jorb at the movies so maybe ill have a few free movies for a few people soon who knows that only if i get hired well im gona go do stuff like bath then sleep.