Title: These Hands Day/Theme: May 26: blood and love without the rhetoric Series: Trinity Blood Character/Pairing: Esther, Ion, Abel Rating: PG Word Count: 1,915 Spoilers/Warnings: Hope you've watched all the anime, and it's a bit fluffy this time, so bring a toothbrush... Cross-Posted to:
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Title: In The End Day/Theme: May 19: 'der Tod und das Mädchen' (death and the maiden) Series:Trinity Blood (anime or novel based) Characters/Pairing: Caterina, Abel, Tres, William, Kate Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 2,353 Spoilers/Warnings: unsavory things referenced, dark introspection and spoiler for Caterina Cross-Posted to:
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Title: Her Little Angels Day/Theme: May 13: angel food Series: Trigun (manga based) Character/Pairing: Vash, Knives, Rem Rating: G Word Count: 962 Spoilers: If you don't know about Knives, you probably shouldn't be reading this... Cross-Posted to:
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Title: Broken Day/Theme: May 12: his early adventures Series: Trinity Blood (anime or manga based) Character/Pairing: Abel, Caterina, Cain, Lilith, Seth, Kate etc... Rating: PG Word Count: 3,711 Spoilers: If you haven't watched the parts about Abel's past with Caterina and the Silent Noise incident, don't read Cross-Posted to:
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Title: Fear to Tread... Genre: Action/Sci-Fi Rating: PG-13 (Death and other unsavory references) Word Count: 2,638
Some of you may have seen this before, but for those that haven't this is a piece I wrote one night after having a pretty horrible day at my minimum-wage excuse for a job. The girl in it isn't me, though the prompt was based off of a
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Hi! You've just stumbled into the writing jounal of one quite random gal.
After some deliberation....and a couple of beers...I decided that I needed a place to put all of the weird fics, scraps and novel ideas that I come up with while I'm stuck in this little part of Hicksville, USA that I have to call home. I actually do have a ranting journal
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