never EVER buy a round of drinks for professional athletes. they have far more money at their disposal, especially if they've been traded from the Mets.
on one hand, Bay and Nady are totally stand-up guys where their fans are concerned.
on the other hand, dude, i gotta be at work in the AM...
i've successfully avoided all of the latest greatest trends in webbernet memes - friendster, myspace, etc... but then Pitchfork had to go and publish their list of the Top 100 Music Videos on
for a more suscinct pick of our/my faves, see inmostlight's entry on the topic...
the Mothership's content-filter officially blocked LiveJournal two weeks ago, so i'll be paying even less attention than usual (don't take it personally). so here are my random updates and opinions :
so. does anyone know how to set and enforce a "minimum order amount" (as in "cash total") on a PayPal shopping cart? the docs i've torn through so far have been useless.
"... in 1968, the party became a kind of unrelated bloc of factions ... each refusing accommodation with another, each wanting control at the expense of all the others."