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  • Capitalism... Attention Geeks and Online Shopaholics...

    raphrat Mar 20, 2006 15:19

    so. does anyone know how to set and enforce a "minimum order amount"
    (as in "cash total") on a PayPal shopping cart? the docs i've torn through
    so far have been useless.

    (fruitlessly x-posted earlier to pittsburgh)
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  • don't bother me, i'm blogging...

    raphrat Feb 10, 2006 13:20

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  • Doom Wears A Diaper

    raphrat Feb 02, 2006 10:26

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  • here we go...

    raphrat Jan 30, 2006 23:24

    f. cut tags...

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  • exhaustimacated....

    raphrat Dec 22, 2005 00:31

    i've been having a horridly stressful week ( Read more... )
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  • a bad day...

    raphrat Dec 11, 2005 02:59

    "... in 1968, the party became a kind of unrelated bloc of factions ... each refusing accommodation with another, each wanting control at the expense of all the others."

    - Eugene McCarthy, 1988

    keep fighting, Gene & Richard.
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  • A Halloween Curse

    raphrat Oct 31, 2005 18:17

    while driving to work this morning, Mayor Tom
    pulled up next to me and complimented me on my car.
    he said it reminded him of his "mis-spent youth".

    i somehow managed to not mention the city's "mis-spent budget".

    2.5 hours 'til kickoff.... GO STILLERS!
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