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Comments 25

candyblades August 29 2005, 01:54:30 UTC


raphrat August 29 2005, 01:59:33 UTC
nah, my hydraulics are good enough as it is ;)

however, since the horn doesn't work at the moment,
i'm tempted to get something really silly when i fix it...

like say... "Word Up!"...


candyblades August 29 2005, 19:55:32 UTC
It's still a pimp car. Have you got fuzzy dice yet? I dig the idea for the horn. ;) If you can save up enough money, maybe get those nifty rope lights and spinner wheels. lol


raphrat August 30 2005, 02:45:51 UTC
heh, there's more than enough spinner wheels here on the Northside ;)

and yes, there are fuzzy dice in the other car which will be transplanted
as soon as i put the interior back together...


xthlcm August 29 2005, 02:26:47 UTC
schwa-schwa-schwa, I believe the adjective used by all the kids these days is "bumpin'"


raphrat August 29 2005, 04:00:30 UTC
the words "bump", "hit", "smash", "crash", "tap"
and "ding" are VERBOTEN.


jeancroix August 29 2005, 02:31:57 UTC


raphrat August 29 2005, 03:59:05 UTC
your opinion counts the most :)

if nothing else, Fiorella II now gives me the leeway to mess around
on Fiorella Jane and get over my fear of fucking up the mechanicals.
i guess the best way to learn cars is to mess with one that's not
running as it is ;)

first priotity : remove the damaged panels.

i'll make you proud, papa ;)


jeancroix August 29 2005, 07:39:41 UTC
I've found having two definitely makes it easier. I don't feel so bad when one of them is down, since I still have the other one to drive around. It makes one more willing to tinker and DIY.

I wish I'd been making more progress on Project Blitz Black this summer, but this weather's just been killing me. What are your plans for them for winter?


raphrat August 29 2005, 16:34:56 UTC
F2 gets my garage space and a car cover to
protect against, dust, falling plaster, and
of course neighborhood cats.

FJ will be dragged/towed to a carport-style
lot up the alleyway from my garage and given
her own car cover. my hope is to at the very least
have the front end body panels/removed and
the front wheel solidified (it took a shot in the
accident) before the snow comes, regardless
of the eventual plans for her. best (though unlikely)
case scenario would be all of that, plus a day at the
frame shop to fix that nudged front pillar.

i just want to get her to the point where she's on
the edge between "easy restore" and "dream parts car".


inmostlight August 29 2005, 03:18:50 UTC
Please tell me you're gonna get a horn that plays "la cucaracha"


raphrat August 29 2005, 03:50:06 UTC
hahahahahhaha that is indeed on the list.


jeancroix August 29 2005, 07:41:29 UTC

(That place is about a mile from my apartment.)


raphrat August 29 2005, 16:38:21 UTC
so is it the "ooo-OOOOOGGA!!! honk honk!" sound?
or just the whistle itself? ;)


aniline August 29 2005, 03:21:15 UTC
Very nice! I'm glad you got her. :D


raphrat August 29 2005, 03:54:04 UTC
tell your dad i said thanks for the vote of confidence ;)

Fiorella Jane has just found a new home
in a off-street parking lot just up the alleyway. i'm actually somewhat
tempted to look into getting her restored herself, as thinking about it
on the drive back it occurred to me aside from the minor frame damage,
she still in far too good of shape to part-out...

damn devil on my shoulder whispering "you now own two cars...."


ghost_girl August 29 2005, 15:36:11 UTC
heh, I'm sure dad is very proud of you! :D

yay car!! She looks fantastic. :D


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