OMG OMG I got a really sexy Benedict Pic!!! HE LOOKS LIKE A MANGA CHARACTER!!! My score is now over 5000!!! Yes, I know that's pathetic. NOOOOOOOO I died. ;______;
So my ear infection can be classified as chronic now. It doesn't bother me too much at the moment but I really want it to go away completely so I can be sure it won't flare up again
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So guess which bacteria set up home in my ear... Staphylococcus! So I had to go back to get a 3rd antibiotic: Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim. I have definitely been committing bacterial genocide in my body. The pain is mostly gone now, though, so I think the other antibiotics did something at least
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I made a file to store all my passwords because, seriously, this is getting ridiculous. I can't remember different passwords for banking, school, LJ, paypal, facebook, Netflix, email, this, that etc. etc
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So the trip up to Santa Rosa to visit Sarah was a success! Traffic was absolutely horrible, though. Driving to Van Nuys took my 3 hours on Fri thanks to a fuel spill on the 405 and Monday back was just regular Memorial Day Traffic, I guess
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