Title: A Chance Meeting at a Bar in East Hills Author: rat_hospital Characters: Mal, Jayne, Zoe, Wes, Gunn Rating: PG-13 Summary: On a dust infested border planet Mal and Zoe run into two old comrades who go by the names Pryce and Gunn.
Title: The Chess Players Author: rat_hospital Characters: Vetinari, Vimes, the Doctor Rating: PG-13 Summary: The Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, Lord Vetinari and the Doctor play a friendly game of chess. Crossover with Discworld
Title: Did you say Apocalypse? Author: rat_hospital Characters: Giles, the Master Rating: PG-13 for language and mild content Summary: With another Apocalypse looming, Giles must brief the new Prime Minister. But strangely Mr. Saxon doesn’t seem too worried…
Richard Sharpe and Jack Aubrey fought the same war and must have almost met a hundred times (if they were real of course). So if Sharpe can be at Trafalgar, he can met Aubrey too.