Age: 24
Stamped as: Lavi [regular] Kanda [rival] Komui [mirror] Black Order [team]
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=1= // =2= // =3=
there's only one ._.
Describe your personality again: I'm an ENFP. ENFP s are energetic and enthusiastic leaders who are likely to take charge when a new endeavor needs a visionary spokesperson. ENFPs are values-oriented people who become champions of causes and services relating to human needs and dreams. Their leadership style is one of soliciting and recognizing others' contributions and of evaluating the personal needs of their followers. ENFPs are often charismatic leaders who are able to help people see the possibilities beyond themselves and their current realities. They function as catalysts
If you take martial arts or a type of swordfighting, what style are you trained in? If you don't - what style are you interested in? I'm not very interested in martial arts, probably because I'm not entusiastic at all about fighting. But i've tried fencing and I think it's nice, so I would probably like to learn a type of swordfighting.
Do you wear jewelry? And if so, do you wear them all the time? Well, to be honest I don't wear a lot of jewelry, when I do it is usually really simple. The only thing I wear all the time is a watch my brother gave me when I was 15. My brother is older than me and we are very different. He only gave me presents when I was a kid. This is why I still have this watch, it remimds me that he loves me even if he doesn't want to show
If you were in a battle, where would you likely be? Planning, Fighting, Support? Fighting/Support. I'm a good strategist (My sister always beat me at chess btw) , mostly because I'm good at understanding others. I really think it's far more easy to understand others than myself.
Close-Combat or Long Range? Long Rage
Do you prefer using a weapon, or your own body/hands? Weapon
Are you more likely to go all out or conserve your energy? Go all out
How would you react if you see someone bullying your good friend? I would definitely help him. Since I'm not a fighter I know the only thing I can do is to try to distract them in some way ( I really don't know how, but I can be very creative when i put my mind to it ), and if this person is way too dangerous for me I'll just run away as fast as I can
Do you like eating? It depends
Soba or sweets? Sweets
Leader or Follower? I consider myself a leader, mostly because I have very strong ideas and opinions and the problem is that I don't like to follow. But there is nothing wrong in being a follower though. People always say I'm a good leader and I'm good at leading people and taking the initiative to get the job done
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Uhm WTF?
Any thoughts or ideas on other stamping themes?