Innocence is fleeting

Jul 17, 2010 03:10

The Basics
Name: Silvr
Age: 21

1. Describe your personality:
Typically quiet to silent, but if I'm comfortable around you or online, sometimes it's hard to shut me up. I'm clingy and dependent with people I know, but absolutely not a people person. Ask me the time when I don't know you and I'll shut down.
I can be argumentative and stubborn. Quick to annoyance, a little slower to real anger. Spiteful. I hold grudges.
Spacey. (Hello, ADD.) A daydreamer. Forgetful.
Possessive over things, but not people.
Incredibly socially awkward.
Self-centered. Neurotic. Anxious.
Indecisive. Greatly lacking in common sense. Naive.
Laaaazy. Slow in action and thought. I'm also a very sleepy person and a homebody.
Hedonistic to a degree. If I can indulge, why shouldn't I?

2. What are your flaws? I stress out way too easily. I'm easily annoyed. I'm super klutzy. I procrastinate. Easily confused. Couldn't do math or science (except some basic biology) to save my life. Flaky. Slow-moving. Just smart enough to know I'm not smart. ^^;

3. What are your best points? I try to be to tolerant. (Whatever floats your boat, man.) I'm also honest.

4. Likes: Animals. Sweets. Seafood. Copious "me" time / alone time. Being silly. Psychology and sociology. Language. Mythology.

5. Dislikes: Groups. Change. Small spaces. Bees. Fire. Having responsibilities. Having obligations. Lullabies.

6. What are your hobbies and talents? I love to draw; I was in art school until I ruined my arm. I also like to read. I write now and then. I like to bang on the piano and sing, but have no talent at either. XD;

7. How do others perceive you? Kind of standoffish or shy, kind of sad, really awkward. Fair-minded. Simple. Easy to miss. Exasperating.

8. What is your personal motto? C'est la guerre.

9. What is your favorite color? Why? Hmm... Maybe green or silver. I just like how they look.

10. What color do you think you are? (it can be the favourite color or another color) Brown. Plain and simple, but that's not always a bad thing.

11. Favourite Animal? Cat!

12. What is your favorite season? Winter.

13. This Thing, That Thing
Optimistic or Pessimistic or Realist: Pessimistic, unless I'm playing devil's advocate to someone else's pessimism.
Possessions or Ideals: Possessions.
Mature or Immature: Immature.
Leader or Follower: Follower.
Light or Dark: Light, if only because it's not the dark.
Think Before You Leap? or Leap!: Think, think!!
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
War or Peace: Peace. War means stress.
Secretive or Open: Open.
High, Medium, Low Energy? Loooooow. I bet there are more active sloths.

14. Reactions
How do you react when with your friends? I either hang back or act silly. When I'm comfortable, I'm the one who says ridiculous things for other people to shoot down or play off of.
How about your family? A bit of acting silly, a bit of trying to be invisible, a bit of freaking out, a bit of lashing out.
In a group? Trying to be invisible so much so much
If your peers/friends/family were in trouble, what would you do? Freeze up, probably.
How do you react to Stressful things? Depends on the source. Most likely to fume, or shut down / freak out.


15. What are your dreams? I don't really have any anymore? My dreams when I'm sleeping are insane and exhausting, though.

16. What are your fears? Er. Did you ever watch the TV show "Monk"? (Bees/wasps/hornets, other bugs and spiders, the dark, dying, going blind, heights, talking to most people (mostly face-to-face), talking on phones, being trapped in a small space, not being able to breathe, things going near my eye, needles, knives, pain in general, being alone in an open space, dead-looking things... I don't think I need to go on.)

17. Would you do something you wouldn’t normally do if you had to? Depends...? Is it a "do this or die" thing, or a social obligation thing? If it was "do or die," I'd want to live.

18. If you had to choose a side, would you choose the government, rebels or just being a loner? I would desperately want to be a loner (would rather be left out of a mess), but I would probably have to go with the government to survive.

19. Anything else about you? I see dead people static?

20. Anything else you would like to add? Thanks for reading! Please vote!

Almost there!
21. How did you find us? Saw it advertised!

22. Links to voted applications
1. eins
2. zwei
3. drei

!stamped, miranda

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