So I went in for a job interview yesterday. I didn't intend to follow through with pursuing the job, since I wasn't genuinely interested in it, but I thought it would make for good practice
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My computer has been acting very, very strangely over the past few weeks. Just now it crapped out and I had to use System Restore to set it back about a week. If some of you suddenly don't hear from me for awhile, take this into account
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I'm expecting a phone call back from M, the woman I was interviewed by last week over at Barnes & Nobles. There's been grief ever since I went, but now, I'm not so worried, since I'm guarenteed a backup plan
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I grow more worrisome for those around me. Part of me (a majority, actually) tells me to distance myself, in fear that whatever is sending off these waves will hurt me. Another part of me tells me to investigate
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It's my 20th birthday today, but since it's a weekday, we probably won't do a whole lot. Our celebration will come this weekend, when my mom takes me bowling on Saturday and MB on Sunday
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