k so mariah, amber's friend, has two little kittens that she need sto find homes for....yea she told me to ask all my friends so this all the effort she's gonna get out of me...kthxbye
ahh so we (ashley, evan, and i) are at evan's house watching the austin powers movies and we decided that for halloween we should all be the people from the austin powers movies. so far we have
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alright so yet another change of plans...zoo instead...still be at my house at nine if you still wanna come its quite understandable if you dont b/c of the weather and all but i'm going and i think it will still be fun. so yea. oh the zoo we're going to is the dreher park zoo, fyi
YAY! so i just checked the forecast for tomorrow and the chance of rain is only 30-40% until around 5...so my mom says we're going. YAYAYAYAY! hokay so now i'm happy. but now we really need to leave on time so we can have as much time as possible. kthxbye
so we might not end up going to the rapids tomorrow considering there's a tropical storm and all. we're not absoultely sure so don't make any other plans yet, but it's just fyi. soo i'll update again later with the final word. my mom said she would still take us on another day so it's not a total loss.
hey so for the rapids on sunday...be at my house at 9 am. not leaving your house at 9 am, ont on glades or st andrews at 9 am, at my house. cause my mom is all "blahh i want to be there when it opens cause blahhh" kthxbye
alright so i finally have a day picked for the rapids...drum roll...june 11th. yay! i can start a countdown now. so basically i didn't pick this day my mom did because that's what day she can drive us down there...but not everyone can fit in my car...this presents a problem...anyone know anyone who can drive some other ppl down there? yea call me
yea so basically my mom is making me "send out a broadcast" as she calls it, about the band parent meeting tomorrow. yea so basically go...with your parents...or at least you. cause we need more ppl to go to the meetings to actually make things happen.
mykonos?! please?! kelsey's herrrrr and she wants to go. and so do i. yea call me. umm right now. no seriously. right now. yea. kthxbye. and i love amanda. oh yea this would be tomorrow. night