★ Reality Changes
Realities begin entirely normal and separate, but that need not remain. As the minds of people change, and as the Machine has time to restructure itself, this can change.
★ Mergers
The primary type of change is called a Reality Merger. A merger happens between two (or more) characters and will occur because of a type of 'bond' between the characters - love, hate, camaraderie from working together, and so on. Characters connected to each other may merge realities based off of this connection.
If you recall, each series is its own set of universes and each deviance is its own reality in that set of universes. As a result, the easiest type of merger goes on between people of the same deviance from the same series; generally, this is automatic and enables canon to go on functioning. This is further explained in the reality section. However, mergers mostly occur between characters from different realities, whether different deviances in the same universe or from different sets of universes completely. This comes from the connections between characters, positive or negative.
★ Partial Merger
The partial merger is the most common. It involves part (hence the name) of two different realities coming together. Bits of reality become shared or transferred. This can exist in a lot of ways. It may be a particular building that is shared between people: all of the objects in this building and all of the people in it will exist in both realities. It could be that the building is half made of things from one reality, and half made of things from the other reality, or the building could be entirely from one of the realities. The important part is that it is completely shared. All of the NPCs in that building will be able to see both characters from both realities involved in the merger.
Changes are not restricted to buildings or places. Sometimes, it could be that certain objects - like streetlamps - will appear occasionally in one character's reality that isn't supposed to have them, while straw huts will appear in the other character's reality from the first person's reality. It could also be that certain government influences or technological advances start popping up across universes.
There is a great deal of liberty with partial mergers. The merger may exist only on every other Tuesday. It may exist permanently. It may exist only when characters really miss each other and want to be closer to each other or if they're in distress and need someone nearer to them. Partial mergers will work as a sort of patchwork system laid over a character's dominant reality.
As the NPCs are fully integrated into the Machine's network of universes, they may notice bizarre Plane-related events, including mergers. NPCs might find a reason to protest if a building suddenly pops up out of nowhere. On the other hand, subtler mergers - the sudden functionality of magic, incongruous technology, that sort of thing - are harder to notice, and may help NPCs make less of a fuss about unexpected buildings coming out of nowhere. More long-standing changes are more likely to be ignored than newer ones, and one oughtn't underestimate the power of SEP. Ultimately, how willing NPCs are in accepting the changes is up to you.
While some characters may see this as a perfectly good reason to avoid getting close to anyone on the Plane, they will find that the Machine has other plans. At player discretion, characters who decide to avoid or reverse mergers may experience sleeplessness, increased nightmares, or even phantoms of pain until they reverse their decision. They may also hear a voice telling them that these connections are needed.
★ Complete Merger
A complete merger is what it says it is. Everything, everywhere, will be shared between two or more characters. All NPCs will be shared, all land will be shared, and all of every NPC's memories of the past will be a combined memory of the past between the characters. Partial mergers from other connections and any other reality changes will also be shared in a complete merger. While it is definitely easier to do this in a shared deviance, it is possible for a complete merger to exist between any characters, given time and a strong connection.
★ Merger Conditions
Mergers rely on emotional connection, active will power, and time. The stronger the emotional connection is, the more the mergers will happen. Think of it this way: as the gaps between people are bridged, so too are the gaps between universes. For this reason, locations that are merged are often areas of emotional significance to the relationship between the characters.
Active will power also plays an influence. If characters are actively trying to bring their realities together, it will be a great deal easier for them. Characters who use science or magic to try to encourage mergers may find themselves more likely to experience a merger if simply because they believe they will be.
Both will power and emotions, however, rely on time. The more time passes, the more time the machine gets to recalibrate, and the more will power and emotion will be put in. As time goes on, mergers become more widely spread and easier.
Mergers will stay even if the character travels. That patch of land that connects you to your best friend on the Plane? It will follow you. Everywhere. It will not leave you alone. Additionally, if a character is dropped but had mergers with characters still in the game before they dropped, their mergers will remain for some time. The merged areas will fade away as the emotional connection with the character fades. And if realities are fully merged and one character is on the Plane while the other isn't, time will bend and flex to cover inconsistencies.
★ Other Changes
While mergers are the main type of reality change, they are not the only type of reality change. People who are mentally unstable, or who become unstable because of traumatic events, may slowly have their realities change to reflect that mental instability. For example, a section of their reality may be replaced by some part of their reality from their past memories - a piece of Turkey in the middle of New York, or time rewound back to someone's childhood in a small area. If your character dies, they may suddenly find that their house has been replaced by their childhood home, complete with a much younger family and that pet dog that died years ago. And no satellite television either, as it hadn't been invented yet.
This type of reality change can be worse than that. People from the past may come back to haunt them as living beings. A severely disturbed mind might actually be crazy enough to change the world so that it literally rains pie, because the person is just that crazy. While this sort of thing does take time, it is more than possible.
★ Reality Change Form
This is the place where you fill out all changes proposed to your reality so that mods can say "APPROVED" to it. This includes partial mergers (a section of X's reality ending up in Y's reality, and vice versa), complete mergers (X and Y share identical realities), and alterations to realities (a block in X's reality is replaced by a section of her childhood home). All you have to do is answer this:
Character(s):Type of Change:Description of Change:Reasons for Change: Confused about what we're asking for? We'll explain!
Characters: This section asks which characters are involved in the merger. When you do mergers, please remember that anyone who shares a full merger with your character will also share partial mergers. So if your character is fully merged with a canonmate and becomes friends with a character from another canon, you must ask the player of the canonmate before requesting that merger, as it effects their character's reality, too.
Type of Change: This is simple! Is it a partial merger, a complete merger, or an alteration?
Description of Change: Here, you need to consider and describe what is being changed. For a partial merger, rather than saying, "Spain and Atlantis," you need to describe what is happening. Is Spain replacing Atlantis? Is Atlantis replacing Spain? Is half of Atlantis going to be in the middle of Spain? Will Spain suddenly be beside Atlantis? Who has the dominant edge in this merger? Saying, "At the centres of Spain, the palace of Atlantis will be enclosed in a water bubble that humans from Spain can enter by wearing scuba gear, while the people of Atlantis cannot exit into Spain and see the rest of the ocean as it normally is" is going to be enough.
If characters are from the same universe but different canon points, it is important to consider what this will do to the timelines. Is it 1910 or 1912? Whose canon point has the dominant edge? What is left behind from the other canon point?
Essentially, you should write out here what you plan on adding to your reality description.
Reasons for Change: This part is easy. We just want to make sure that you aren't moving too fast for the Machine. If characters have become best friends who are psychically bonded over the past two months, that's all we need to know. If characters just met yesterday and hardly think about each other, a merger is much less likely to occur.
Additionally, if you wish to drag character X into character Y's reality, you will need to comment here with the characters, what you intend on doing, and the reason for the change. Please remember that dragging one person into another person's reality requires a very strong relationship (for better or for worse), a great amount of time spent in the Machine, and very strong mental powers on the part of the person dragging the other person along.
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