1 - How did you first get into writing fanfic, and what was the first
fandom you wrote for? What do you think it was about that fandom that
pulled you in?
The first, and only, fandom I have written for is D&DC. I had always loved the cartoon but only found the fandom after buying the DVDs and listening to the fan commentary by
fayzalmoonbeam. From there I went searching for Darkhaven, which was offline, but instead found Helix Town Square,
hayet's website The Realm and
seal_girl's Virtual Realm.
It was great to find there were other people out there who remembered, and loved, D&DC. It was also when I discovered there was even such a thing as fanfic. Everyone in the fandom is friendly and welcoming, and some of them even ship the same characters that I do. Maybe I wasn't so crazy after all, then again, maybe we're all nuts.
As for how I started writing. I have always said 'it's all
kenderkim's fault'. She once asked me if I have ever had any plot bunnies to which I instantly replied no. But that got me thinking, and I suddenly realised I had must have meant yes. With some 'encouragement' I turned my first idea into a fic and it has continued from there.
2 - Name the fandoms you've written in, and how much you've written in that fandom, and if you still write in it.
I have only ever written D&DC fanfic and I do not see myself writing in any other fandom, but you never know. So far I have written 7 short fics, one multi-chapter fic and 1 spoof episode. It's been a while sine I last posted anything new but I do have some unfinished fic that I am still working on.