After our double whammy of data loss catastrophy - first the laptop fusing 3 weeks ago and then an external harddrive fusing on another occasion 1 week ago (a loss of 160 gigabyte, so far nothing's recovered) maybe our doom with technical stuff is finally coming to an end. Since our gas boiler (heating and warm water) finally not only oozed
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Comments 8
It isn't always the thing in the front that matters the most :)
Hmm.. Peter Hook's ghost body-snatching more people than they would themselves think, maybe ?
On a more mundane level, I also try and stay away from anyone who describes themselves as 'crazy' or 'out there' as they are invariably dull.
Finally, it always irritated me that when studying German as a kid, they would translate toll as 'wild!' I always hated that and it made me never want to use the word. That is all.
And you're right about toll/wild..Mad is probably more adequate a translation..only context in which "toll" would be used in the 21st century (it's very old fashioned a word) would be as Tollkirschen, which is a muscarin containing berry...deadly nightshade is the english name, just checked..
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