Jul 17, 2005 00:14
Santa Barbara was great. Registering was mighty stressful but in retrospect, harder than it should have been.
And it was sunny! So I got burned.
iNo bueno!
Apr 23, 2005 18:45
Hallo all. I really don't have much to say except I figured some stuff out today. I got a little bit of time to just sit and think within my own space and my own head, and I think thing are going to rock when the situation comes. It was perfect thinking conditions down at the beach today, lemme tell you.
Apr 15, 2005 16:16
I am a very lucky girl.
My boyfriend is fantastic.
My school will be fantastic.
My friends are super dooper most of the time.
I have a C in chemistry (doh!)
Apr 11, 2005 17:04
Adam said I was different today - bouncier.
I guess that's what happens when you visit the awesome campus you will be attending in the fall.
Even if you don't do your homework for the weekend.
Apr 01, 2005 10:25
Dad is screwing my mom over on the number of weeks she gets us.
He justifies it by saying that she chose to leave.
I'm 18, I'll live how I want. And I don't see how they'll work around Jake not having a ride other than me.
Mar 18, 2005 15:29
I want the end of March, but not the end of August.
I want April 14th because that's the Academic League Championship. Go geeks! Go us!
Oh my goodness, senior year is almost over.
Feb 19, 2005 23:49
Bored out of my fricking skull.
Justin was too tired to stay up and play.
"I'm going to stay up all night."
Yeah right, kid!