Title: Proposition
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Prompt: Sound
Word Count: 674
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: If they were mine, Anakin/Obi-Wan would be canon. And graphic.
Author's Notes: Third part of the series leading up to
Afterward. First part is
here, second part
here. Slightly AU. Anakin was not burned beyond recognition on Mustafar, he's still pretty.
Vader released his Force grip on Obi-Wan's vocal chords, allowing the older man to speak if he wished. If he dared to scream, Vader had no qualms about tightening his grip to the point where Obi-Wan could not even breathe. He still had Obi-Wan's body bound, and was satisfied that the Jedi could not move.
"It has been a long time," Obi-Wan said finally. He was infuriatingly calm, and Vader wished he would show more of a reaction. He knew better than to expect such an outburst from a Jedi, though.
"Indeed," Vader acknowledged. He would let Obi-Wan question him all he wanted, but Vader had plans of his own.
"Why are you here?" Obi-Wan did not seem overly concerned with the fact that he could not move. Indeed, he seemed quite content with his position as Vader's prisoner.
"That is none of your concern, old man." Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, but said nothing in response. He would not give Anakin the satisfaction of knowing how much he had surprised him. "The question is why you are here. This is not where you live. You are on a mission." Vader glanced around the small room, noting the lack of furnishings. It was a room used for short periods by travelers, not a place where a being lived.
"I would say that is none of your concern." Obi-Wan would not tell Anakin that there was a small girl who had been suspected of being Force-sensitive. He knew that anyone who could use the Force was either a threat to the Empire or someone to be recruited. Even though Kayla wasn't sensitive, he would not needlessly endanger her.
"Very well," Vader conceded. "You should know why I have come to find you," he said. "You could join me, Obi-Wan. You can't imagine the power I have. It's more than I ever dreamed. More than you could imagine. You fear the Dark side, but it is not something to be afraid of. It's intoxicating." Vader paced the room slowly, keeping his gaze directed at Obi-Wan.
"You know I would never join you, Anakin. I am a Jedi, I have always been a Jedi, and I will die a Jedi." Obi-Wan was serene as he spoke, willing to accept whatever Anakin did to him. He hoped he would be able to return to Tatooine, but if he died here and now, he would die knowing he had done his best.
"I am not Anakin Skywalker," Vader growled. "Skywalker died on Mustafar. You killed him."
"No, if anyone is responsible for Anakin's death, it is Darth Vader. I only tried to save him."
Vader scowled, displeased by Obi-Wan's words. He was not the one at fault. Obi-Wan had betrayed him, had turned Padmé against him. He was willing to overlook that fact, though, if he could convince Obi-Wan to join him.
He moved closer to Obi-Wan, his presence in the Force overpowering. Obi-Wan had to force himself not to look away, much as he might want to. He met Anakin's eyes, showing no weakness.
"If you join me, we could be more powerful than anyone. You and I could overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy together." Vader stood mere centimeters from Obi-Wan, but still the Jedi would not back down. "You know how good we could be together," he murmured.
Obi-Wan would not let Anakin see how much his words and tone had affected him. He knew exactly what Anakin was alluding to, and it was not mere power.
He did, in fact, remember how good it could be, but he had to make himself realize that this man was no longer Anakin Skywalker. The face staring back at him may once have belonged to a Jedi Knight, but now it was that of a Sith Lord, Darth Vader.
"I remember how it was with Anakin," he replied coolly. "But as you pointed out, you are not Anakin Skywalker."
Without warning, Obi-Wan found his mouth being assaulted by Anakin's. Well, this certainly was not what he had expected.