1. Last weekend while I was sick (I include Monday here, as I stayed home from work and spent the day in bed.) I watched the first season of The West Wing. Loved it. Anyone have season two I could borrow
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Wedding was amazing. Italy was wonderful. London was fun.
There, that's all that's needed right?
Seriously, the last three weeks has been amazing. I have so many fantastic friends and family. There are really no words to express the gratitude and appreciation and love that I feel.
Ok, I know I'm really behind. Jon and I had been ignoring Firefly. We hadn't been exposed and it was another thing we could discard as not knowing what we were missing so let's keep it that way
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The power came back this afternoon! We're giddy. I never thought I'd be amazed to flip a switch and watch a light turn on. I suspect I'll be back to normal tomorrow. But meanwhile I've gotten four loads of laundry done and I'm able to post on LJ again.
Brooklyn Park got hit pretty badly. Unconfirmed reports of a tornado, although my neighbor, who works rescue for the city, says he's pretty sure it was for real
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So last night, after Jon and I finished helping the Gravediggers move CONvergence out of the blessed hotel we left to drive down to Oronoco
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